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Writer's pictureLaQueisha Malone

FAIR GAME with Anthony Pathfinder

Tell us about Anthony Pathfinder?

I grew up in New York City, the Bronx, and Brooklyn. I attended CUNY Queens College. I graduated

with a bachelor’s degree in political science. I am also a certified ESL Teacher. I am a huge history buff.

It doesn’t matter whose history it is I will read it.

What inspired you to become an author?

I have loved writing since I was a child. Telling stories, creating characters, were things I did when I

first started writing poetry, and short stories, these were some of the things that inspired me. Making a

difference in someone’s life was something I wanted to do through my writing.

Are you Self-Published or Signed to a publishing company? How is this experience for you?

I am a self-published author. It has its pros and cons, but it does give you full control of your work. The

marketing process, book signings, etc., that becomes your responsibility. You have to constantly stay on

the grind. It also gives you a better understanding of the business.

What is the name of your most recent book release? Tell us more about it?

My latest work is entitled Rebirth. It tells the story of humans who made a pact with members of the

occult, demons that are obedient to Lucifer. Their goal is to bring about the Rebirth of demonic mutated

humans to challenge the church and every religion known to mankind.

What other book projects do you have out? Tell us more information about them?

I have published eleven books. Fair Game and False Pretense a series. Deadly Consequences and

Unleashed a series. Treasure a historical drama. Red Rose a spy thriller. Five Boroughs a crime drama.

A Rainy Affair a thriller. New Blood a fantasy. Untold Tales a book of short stories.

What are some marketing tips you have used to promote your book?

Author website. Book signings. Business cards. Flyers. Blogs. Social media. Word of mouth. Amazon.

Barnes and Noble. Goodreads. Email blast. Great cover. Blurbs. Reviews.

How long have you been a writer?

I have been a writer for most of my life. I have been a published writer since 2008.

What’s your next book project?

The Seeing Eyes. A sci-fi — the story centers on a group of scientists who unknowingly returns from

outer space with the Seeing Eyes, a species that is more advance, and who decides whether to destroy

humankind or allow them to destroy themselves based on their treatment of other species.

Outside of being an author are there any other projects or gifts you use?

I am a certified ESL Teacher. I have written essays on several topics, including Breast Cancer and

Obesity. I was a contributing interviewer and presenter on a Student Immigrant Project, sponsored by

the Ford Foundation.

What is the most challenging thing aspect to writing?

I guess you can sum it up to discipline, dedication, and desire. Without these, your plot, your storyline,

and developing strong characters can be a challenge.

Do you have any favorite characters you have written about? Tell us about them? Why are they your


Dana Estick, in Fair Game, a victim of sexual abuse was a fighter. Confronting her abuser took courage.

In Treasure, Treasure Biloxi lived as a white woman, until she found out she came from a long line of

blacks who passed for white and decided to do something about it.

What are some of your must haves when setting the mood to write?

I don’t need much other than tea or coffee.

Does writing come easy to you or does it take a minute for your creativity to flow?

It comes easy because the creative juice is there all the time. My love for the craft keeps me in that

creative mindset.

Which celebrities would you like to play your lead characters and why?

I think Jennifer Hudson would be the perfect Dana Estick, tall, self-assured, yet vulnerable. I believe

Jennifer would embody all her emotions. I believe India Eisley would play a great Treasure. I think she

could pull it off. She’s played a similar role in the past.

If you could turn one of your books into a movie, which one and why?

It would be Treasure. During Reconstruction, some blacks decided to pass for white. The racism they

saw, they wanted no part of, and passing allowed them to be a part of the dominant culture. The story

sheds light on the racism during Reconstruction and the Jim Crow era.

How would you describe your writing style?

I would say it’s easy to follow. My style depends on the storyline. It can be argumentative, or simply a

flowing narrative style. Overall, I think it’s fluid and easy to read.

If you could collaborate with an author, who would it be, and why?

It would be Dena Tyson. She doesn’t know this, but I love her writing style. The humor, narratives, and

dialogue are stylish, easy to follow, and flows smoothly, and she’s a great writer.

What is one of your most memorable moments as an author?

An elderly lady called my phone and told me that her granddaughter gave her a copy of Fair Game. She

said after reading the first few pages she thought it was about sex. But as she continued reading, she

couldn’t put the book down. That was the best compliment, ever.

Have you ever been a co-writer? If so, name a few of your projects and who you worked with?

Brooklen Borne. We collaborated on Five Boroughs and are currently working on Unchartered Grounds.

His style of writing compliments mines and vice-versa. We can pick up where each other left off, and

you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

What has proving to be a successful strategy for you when marketing and promoting your book and


Doing as many book signings as possible. Using social media; Facebook marketing, Instagram, Amazon

marketing. These are proven strategies, but one has to put the work in — to get the needed results.

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Believer. Optimist. Candid.

Who are some of your favorite authors and why?

James Baldwin's writing style is in your face — with each word you feel the place where it came from. Toni Morrison's style is gripping — easily capturing your attention, while teaching you a thing or two

about styles.

What would you tell aspiring authors, who are struggling to tell their story?

Never stop believing. Do your research. Put in the work, and not listen to the doubters. Believe in


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Olga Francis
Olga Francis

Great interview! I will definitely check out Anthony Pathfinder's books.

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