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Do you have a manuscript sitting around?

Ever thought about becoming a published author?

With the publishing industry being saturated with so many new authors, one must be able to stand out. One of the ways to stand out is to be unique, creative, and give the readers something worth reading. It is easier now more than ever to publish a book live with the Amazon KDP program, but without a team and people behind you who know the industry your book could miss a very important mark…sales.

So many authors publish their book and months later struggle with sales. This is because a marketing plan for the particular project was not in place. There are times a marketing plan is set in place, but it is not followed. Then there are the other times when the marketing plan is followed it just wasn’t the right plan for the book project. That’s where we come in to help. We at Strawberry Publications, LLC help build a marketing plan catered to your book project. It is also one of the reason we do not guarantee our clients published books within 30 days. We take our time; to not only perfect the production of the product but to find out where we can generate the best distribution.

Strawberry Publications operate in four departments:

  • PRODUCTION: Our production department tackles all the aspect of preparing a manuscript for printing. This consists of Book Cover design, Interior Formatting, Editing, Proofing, BETA Reviews, Proofreading, and more.

  • MARKETING: Our marketing department takes the manuscript and analyzes it for possible or maximum exposure. In this stage of publishing, we work closely with the author to build a plan and decide on the best practices to market the upcoming project to its targeted audience. We break the book down by topic, how it relates to your audience, and more.

  • DISTRIBUTION: The distribution stage is where we look at all the different distribution channel to market, promote, and build awareness for the book project. This includes stores, book signings, libraries, organizations, and more.

  • SALES: The department is self-explanatory. Here we sat down with the author to determine how many books is needed to fill the distribution order, as well as how many books are budgeted by the author to sale within a year, month, weeks, and days.

By following these tactics, we are able to get a clear concise understanding to the goals of the author and to help aide with future projects. These stages list above may not be for everyone, but for the person who can see the outcome it is more than worth the time and effort.

Good luck on your publishing journey, and as always, we are here to help if you need us.

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