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Brand Yourself Not JUST Your Book

The most exciting time of an author career is when the click publish and see their book live on platforms. It never gets old. With every book. With every click. If feel brand new. Like the first time.

The one thing you do not want to do is forgetting about yourself while promoting your book. Your book should be a reflection of the many different versions of you. Your first book will not be your only book.

Branding yourself does not happen overnight. It takes time and most often a small team. As an author, you should began branding yourself before you actually publish your book. You can do that during you writing stage.


Glad you ask...Below is a list of ideas you can use to brand yourself.

  1. Build a website.

  2. Use the same color scheme when promoting (no more than 3 colors)

  3. Your author name should be used in all interviews

  4. Create a hashtag around your author name #laqueishamalone

  5. Create a Media Kit. These can be created online or electronic PDF

  6. Professional Head Shots

  7. Use the same name across all platforms

  8. Website:

  9. Facebook:

  10. Instagram:

  11. Twitter:

Tell us some ways you are branding yourself as an author. List below which of our branding methods work for you?

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